HP-9744: About Pokikay's Website
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 What is Pokikay's Website??? 

A wisp of tiny strand on this growing Complex Web.  
Nothing more. 

Quite insignificant in its obscurity among the multitudes of  
awesome sites that presently caters to and services Mankind's  
thirst for newlyfound source of intellectual information and expression.  

It may never have come to existence and see the light of day  
were it not for a little reason. And little reason it was, in its stark  
simplicity, but nonetheless compelling and sublime in its meaningful  
intentions, devoid of grandiose plans and puny human pretensions. 

It was conceived and intended to Showcase the basic growth  
and natural progress of a Little Child.  

More than anything else, it was meant as an Intangible Gift  
to this Little Child. In return for all the Intangible Joys She gave,  
and is still giving. Large or Small.  

That has brought immense Happiness and Joy to all the people  
that She touched around Her obscure Little Universe.  

Unknowingly, unconsciously, She freely gave.   
And is still giving, with no demands or expectations in return.  
Unbeknownst to Her, in a gesture of Love and Appreciation, 
this Gift is tendered in Return.  
Wholeheartedly it is given in the same spirit it was received.  

With Love and Joy. 
But Sadly Now, She cannot recognize it.  
Nor understand its well meaning intentions.  
As it's still way beyond Her current state of awareness and full comprehension. 
It does Not matter that She cannot.  
For if She can't, in any way, does not render this a futile and wasted effort. 
The wholehearted giving and intent is still there in its simple purity. 

Neither it's intrinsic value and meaning diminished, for a basic lack of awareness. 

For if  She cannot understand it, You or I Can.  

And in Both of Us Lies the Greater Power of Understanding  
and Faith, that above and beyond all measure of Tangible things;  
-it is the Intangible Ones that Matters.  

For it is the One that Touches.  
That Molds. That Nurtures, and Shapes, our Hearts, Minds. 

" We are what we Love, and we are All Shaped by the things we Love . . . "  
So it is said. - 

Whether we accept it or not, in it's simplicity of Truth, the meaning exists,  
and will continue to exist, with or without our acknowledgments.  

For all it cares, the Sun is not aware of our existence.  
It has and will continue to shed light, irrespective of our meanings  
and passing, until it burns itself out, from its own meaningful reason. 

And I too, will shed my light, of my own brand of meaning and  
understanding, and cast it into the infinite realm of human comprehension.  
Hoping perhaps that in some dark and dimly lit corner of this mass of humanity,  
a kind and gentle Soul perceives my little light and takes its glint as torch  
to lit His own way towards the Quest of His own kind of meaningful understanding. 

In all before us and all that stands between us, in this infinite Universe, 
by all measure; - we are just little Children. 
Lost in the immensity of its immeasurable Magnitude. 

In a Spirit of Kinship, I offer My humble and intangible Gift to this Little Child. 
From One Child to Another. And in plain nakedness, devoid of all  
misgivings and pretensions. 

NOT only to Her. But to All the Rest of the Little Children by the Universe. 
Most especially, to that Little Child within All of Us that constantly  
seeks to Love and Cherish another Child. 

Please accept this Gift too, in the Spirit it was Given. 

At Least you're Old enough to Know and Understand! 

Initially intended, this Website was meant to be a private 
and exclusive venue to a select group of people. A posting place.  
These people are mostly members of Her Large immediate Family,  
Her extended Clan, and friends; scattered throughout the far flung  
face of this little spinning rock. 
Residing in far and distant places, across Continents and Seas,  
thousands of miles apart, and even those who live in the Continental  
United States, -are still  hampered severely by the immense distance  
from coast to coast, in heartfully communicating.  

NOT really by the Distance of the Land sometimes,   
but by the Distance of the Hearts. Oftentimes.   

I hope the InterNet bridges that Gulf of emptiness and distance,   
that spans and alienates the Loving Hearts that binds us.  
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  Pokikay's Sonatina4c 
Copyright © 1997 Armand L. Zamora
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