Excitedly Informs You of the New Arrival and Birth of  
My Third, Male First Cousin  
(July 28, 1997 Monday-12:50 A.M. PST)
at the
Glendale Adventist Memorial Hospital
Glendale, CA.

  Note: The Music Player Control Buttons  
are at the Bottom of 
this Page . . . 
Very proud Dad Chi admiring Exhausted 
Mom May's great task just recently completed. 
Or was He checking out something else?
Jeremy and joyfully beaming Mother May both
recuperating just over a Day after an excellent 
Natural Lamaze Delivery. 
Mother and Son are both doing fine and well 
and are in the best of health.
Not a Diploma. Not yet.
Next, Driver's License. 
Of course, the Pretty Awesome First Cousin Kae  
(Kay) - Kassandra Manly Angeles  
(at 15 mos., and growing fast :-) 
of the Pokikay's InterNet Website fame.
She waited patiently and behaved commendably all along the entire childbirth event for the arrival of Her First Cousin.  
Now, She holds another Title; Ate Kae,   
in addition to being WebHostess and WebModel.
Page 2 of 2
You're either
Guest or 
Visiting Relative
since Birth
( If Malfunctioning, please See 
the more accurate Unix Counter 
at the Homepage Section ) . . .
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  Pokikay's Sonatina4c 
Copyright © 1997 Armand L. Zamora
 Inquiries, Questions, or Commendations 
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Critical Comments will be promptly answered 
 and responded to by Pokikay Herself 
Personally by Early 2014 A.D.
This Document's 
Last Update 
was on:
06/06/2012 06:22:22
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Copyright ©1997 
Armand L. Zamora 
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